History and Geography

At South Molton Community Primary School, we intend for all of our pupils to be fully aware of their own responsibilities of the changing world around them. This begins with knowledge of their local environment, moving from school grounds, to South Molton, to North Devon, and beyond. They will see how their decisions impact their local environment and then the implications of these decisions on a global scale. We aim for each child to be fascinated and inspired by natural and human environments through the exploration and study of people, place and human and physical processes. We understand that Geography provokes curiosity and questions so we intend for children to learn through seeing, doing, and experiencing, as well as making links between the physical and human processes. As a school, we aim to equip each child with the necessary geographical skills and knowledge to undertake their own research through a range of tools, as well as how the information they gather can be used to better understand geographical processes. The children will develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places and understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, along with how they bring about variation and change over time. Through Geography, we intend to develop the social, cultural and moral awareness and understanding for each child to develop a more inclusive and ecologically ethical environment for us all.
At South Molton Community Primary School we recognise the importance of Geography and incorporate it within our Knowledge Rich Projects. Throughout each Key Stage, essential skills are taught within the Autumn Term, as well as returned to according to previous learning. In the Spring term, the school’s Knowledge Rich Projects focus on Geography as the primary subject and opportunities are given to revisit less secure concepts in the Summer term. The Geography projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s geographical knowledge, skills and subject disciplines which are rooted in the Curriculum Maestro approach but combined with our own Geography curriculum. The children’s work is recorded in their topic journals and learning activities are differentiated to assist the children in terms of adult support, outcomes, tasks, teaching methods and resources, depending on group and individual needs. Throughout the school, the children learn through whole class teaching, partner work, group work and fieldwork (in our locality and further away). Teachers are encouraged to use our outdoor space to support fieldwork and understanding of concepts being taught during lessons. The children also develop their geographical knowledge during whole school assemblies, class assemblies, special events such as ‘No Electricity Days’, and through the work of our Eco Council who monitor aspects of our school such as recycling, reducing energy consumption and caring for the ecosystems of our natural spaces.
Independent elements of Geography relating to our locality are further included through our school trips. The children are encouraged to experience and explore concepts that can be applied within their local area, for example: EYFS explore our local area on their trips around South Molton and their visit to Rosemoor; Year 1 and Year 2 explore a local beach; and year groups within KS2 enjoy residential trips, where Geographical skills are included in their experiences and activities. Local experts and professionals are also invited into school to further develop children’s learning and to highlight the importance of geographical concepts in the real world.
At South Molton Community Primary School, we aim for children to develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past in the context of the wider world, in order to ground themselves; who they are and where they live. We encourage children to be inspired and to think critically about historical events and facts. As a school, we aim for children to be curious, to question Britain’s past - both significant figures and events - and to analyse, discuss and make connections between historical concepts. The children will be given opportunities to explore historical evidence and will be encouraged to use this to challenge and communicate their viewpoints effectively. We intend for children to develop a love for History, stemming from an understanding of the history of our local area, and so develop a sense of identity, an understanding of change and societal development, and learn from the successes and mistakes of others.
At South Molton Community Primary School, we recognise the importance of History and incorporate it within our Knowledge Rich Projects. All history projects are taught in the Autumn and Summer terms, with opportunities for the children to revisit historical concepts in some of the Spring term Geography projects. The History projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s historical knowledge, skills and subject disciplines, rooted in Curriculum Maestro’s planning but combined with our own History curriculum. Key aspects and concepts - such as chronology, cause and effect, similarity and difference, significance and hierarchy - are revisited throughout all projects and are developed over time. All projects also develop historical skills based on evidence and historical enquiry. The choice of historical periods follows the guidance set out in the national curriculum, with specific details relating to significant events and individuals chosen to present a rich and diverse account of British and world history. The children’s work is recorded in their journals to monitor progress. Across the school, the children will learn through whole class teaching, partner work and group work. The children will also learn about historical anniversaries and events during school assemblies.