Mrs Pincombe
Beacon Class
Welcome to Farley Class!
Our day starts at 8:40am and finishes at 3.15pm
PE is every Monday afternoon - please wear full PE kit to school.
Outdoor Learning is every Thursday (bring wellies!)
Please make sure book bags are bought into school each day.
A water proof coat and a drinks bottle (with water only) are also essential.
A little bit about me
1. My favourite Film is....
Monsters inc
2. My favourite Author/Book is....
All the Roald Dahl books
3. My favourite Music Playlist is...
Indie Sing Along Hits
4. When I’m not at work you will find me...
Drinking fancy coffee whilst walking on the beach/in a forest
5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...
6. My favourite food is...
Lasagna with lots of cheese
7. Three words I would use to describe myself...
Adventurous, tidy, friendly
Art Week: Drawing
The children in Beacon class have enjoyed their Art week. They have been focusing on their drawing skills and have been busy drawing landscapes using a variety of tools and techniques.
Music, 100 things and Scarecrows!
The children enjoyed using Bamboo Tamboo during their music lesson to tap the pulse of a song.
The children in Beacon class enjoyed a game of conkers as part of their 100 things to do before leaving South Molton Community Primary School.
The children were very proud, of both our class scarecrow and their individual scarecrows, that they created as part of a design and technology project. Our class scarecrow can be found at Quince Honey Farm Pumpkin Trail this half term.
The children enjoyed learning about democracy in our recent PSHE lessons, discussing all the ways they have used democracy within our classroom . We then had the opportunity to vote on increasing the amount of no-electricity days held within school each year.
Library Visit
The children had a great time visiting our fantastic local library. They made bookmarks, used the interactive table and learnt all about the library system. Children were then able to use library cards to take a book home.
Christmas Tree Decorations
The children used hand drills, hot glue guns and secateurs to create some wonderful Christmas tree decorations for the local tree festival.