Our School
Welcome to South Molton Community Primary School. We are a small rural primary school situated in the market town of South Molton. We look forward to a long and happy association with you and your family. At our school everyone learns how to learn and children of all abilities experience success. This is achieved by working in partnership with parents, whose involvement, support and understanding is vital for the continued success of the children at our school. To support parents we offer an extended schools programme enabling wrap around care for children from 8am till 5.45pm.
Our beautiful grounds enhance our learning environment and are used for sports and environmental studies. We encourage outdoor learning throughout the children’s time in school, with every child taking part in a forest school session each week and a comprehensive sports programme.
This website will give you a flavour of the education we can offer your child and we invite you to visit us to experience the very special atmosphere of South Molton Community Primary School. We are very proud of our children and staff and are keen for you to see us in action.
Mr Tom Parkin, Head Teacher

Our Aims
Our school offers a secure, safe and stimulating learning environment that nurtures the development of our pupils as individuals, catering for their emotional, spiritual, social, physical and learning needs.
We aim for every child to achieve their potential and celebrate their achievements with pride.
We have high expectations of behaviour allowing us to maintain a happy school and a calm learning environment, where children learn to build positive relationships and behave responsibly.
We encourage children to be articulate and develop lively and enquiring minds enabling them to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to become effective and enthusiastic learners.
We foster confidence and independence in our children.
We encourage children to understand the feelings of others, to respect their differences, ideas and cultures and to consider thoughtfully their own attitudes, values and beliefs.
Our school is committed to offering the children a high standard of education, through a broad and balanced curriculum in line with statutory requirements.

We are an inclusive school and we plan programmes of study to suit children’s needs and stages of development.
We provide a varied and stimulating curriculum through an increasing amount of outdoor and physical learning activities for all of our children on a weekly basis.
We employ a variety of teaching styles to maintain enjoyment and motivation whilst catering for the differing learning styles of our children.
We make full use of local environment, community links and resources to add value and interest to our learning.
We enable all children to be included in all curriculum areas through appropriate planning and support.
The success of our school relies on a team effort by the whole school community of staff, governors, children, parents, carers and friends. Everyone is valued for their commitment and involvement.
We encourage family involvement in all aspects of their child’s education.
We establish links with families to promote life-long learning.
We maintain close links with pre-school providers, creating a smooth transition between home and school.
We foster positive relationships with the Local Learning Community and other education faculties to achieve continuity of the children’s learning, personal and social development.
The work and ethos of our school reflects these aims.
Our Values
Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Our Team
Meet our dedicated team at South Molton Community Primary School

Mr T Parkin
Head Teacher

Mrs R Charles-Jones
Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Herbert
School Business Manager

Mrs S Gardner

Mrs E Gladman

Miss E Yeo

Mrs L Davey

Mrs K Pryer
Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Salter
Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Smith

Mrs J Kingdon
Administrative Assistant

Mrs K Webster
Teaching Assistant

Mrs R Morgan
Teaching Assistant

Mrs E Shaw
Clerk to Governors/
SEN Administrative Assistant

Mrs S Boyles
Teaching Assistant

Mrs E Brown
Teaching Assistant SEMH

Mrs S Lewis
Teaching Assistant

Miss R White
Teaching Assistant

Miss K Colins
Teaching Assistant /School Club Leader

Miss R Bailey

School Dog

Mrs A Holland

Mrs J Pincombe

Mr S Pepper
Site Manager

Miss H Bound

Miss L Simpson

Miss K Gallaway

Miss V Parker
Teaching Assistant

Ms J Leach
Kitchen Manager

Mrs M Bearman

Miss T Turner
Kitchen Assistant

Mrs P Lucas
Administrative Assistant

Mrs E Vaughan
Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Kempster
Teaching Assistant

Miss C Synek
Teaching Assistant

Ms V Rennie
Teaching Assistant


Lunchtime Assistant
Mrs L O'Connor

Miss H Cousans
Kitchen Assistant

Mr C Friendship

Mrs C Pincombe
Lunchtime and Clubs Assistant


Ms L Sergeant
Meal Time Assistant/Cleaner

Meal Time Assistant/Cleaner