Miss Simpson
Fernworthy Class
Our day starts at 8. 40am and finishes at 3.15pm
PE is every Friday morning - please wear a full PE kit to school.
Outdoor Learning is every Tuesday morning (it is useful to bring wellies on this day in case it rains)
Please make sure book bags are brought into school each day. A waterproof coat and a water bottle (with water only) are also essential.

A little bit about me
1. My favourite Film is....
Mary Poppins
2. My favourite Author/Book is....
Roald Dahl
3. My favourite Music Playlist is...
Beach Chillout
4. When I’m not at work you will find me...
Exploring beaches and walking the beautiful coast paths with my dog.
5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...
The Maldives
6. My favourite food is...
7. Three words I would use to describe myself...
Creative, Enthusiastic, Kind
Recently, we have been learning about pattern, ordering numbers, recognising numbers and matching numeral to quantity. The children have been printing with fruit and vegetables to make repeating patterns. Within our continuous provision we have been accessing a range of activities to consolidate our taught skills to recognise numbers 0-10. We have also been thinking about numerals in the world around us.

Outdoor Learning
Fernworthy class has been learning lots about the school rules when going outside. They have been thinking about what they have to wear, and how to stay safe when exploring outside.
Their activities have linked to our conceptual learning and most recently in their outdoor learning they have enjoyed making ‘animal homes’ in their session this week!They looked around the school environment and thought about the kinds of animals that live here-like birds, mice, hedgehogs and all kinds of mini beasts!They then used natural materials (found outside) to build shelters, dens and nests for their chosen animal.

Each week we have been learning a new concept.
So far out new concepts have included: Emotions and Feelings, Colours, Shape, Family, Food, Clothes, Home and Houses.
The children have been learning levels of key conceptual language within these themes and talking about specific vocabulary and its meaning in the books we have enjoyed.