Explore information in order to prepare your child for starting their school journey.

The School Day
Our day begins at 8.40am. After choosing your child’s lunch option outside the classroom the children come inside and hang up their belongings.
Morning activity-This ranges from fine motor skills, then progresses to name writing, tricky word writing, spotting digraphs and trigraphs (sounds) in words, spellings and writing sentences to talk about their weekend news.
After registration we begin with phonics each day.
We also have daily maths, literacy and handwriting/spelling.
Throughout the week the children enjoy Topic (Understanding the World- Geography History and Science). Expressive Arts and Design which includes Art and Music.
Physical Education and Outdoor Adventure Learning is once a week
In between the structured whole class learning sessions the children have access to Continuous Provision, this is an opportunity for them to apply skills they have gained in the whole class learning, and test their own ideas through their independent play. This also provides a chance for the adults to engage in in-depth conversations with the children encouraging them to think deeply and critically about different topics developing their sustained shared thinking and problem solving skills.
Wider Curriculum
“Excellence through outdoor learning”
At South Molton Community Primary School we use a creative and knowledge based approach to learning. Using projects mapped to the Primary National Curriculum, we ensure that there is a comprehensive coverage of the national expectations.
Our linked curricular approach enables children to make connections between their learning and provides them with the knowledge to enrich their experiences across subjects.
Personal Development
Children at SMCPS are given every opportunity to feel integrated in their local and wider community. The following opportunities are provided throughout the children’s time in school:
Community link for each year group where the children volunteer and support outside organisations (Care homes, pre-school, gardening projects)
Trips, residentials and experiences planned for each year group linked to topics and the curriculum
Visits from outside agencies to supplement the wider curriculum School Website
What your child will need
Named water bottle
Warm waterproof coat - named, we go outside whatever the weather! This needs to be brought to school everyday.
Bookbag- these are purchased from Reception and need to be brought into school everyday. We send home books from the first full week of school, phonics teaching (how we teach your child to read) starts in week 2.
Wellies/waterproofs- PE and Outdoor Adventure Learning days will be confirmed nearer the time, useful in the Winter!
Wrap Around Care
Information about school clubs and breakfast/after school club cab be accessed here:
School Uniform
Everything you need to know about school uniform is on this page
Free School Meals

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 at state schools in England automatically get free school meals. However, parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for free school meals when they enrol their child in school, as this can help their child’s school to attract additional ‘pupil premium‘ funding to support learning.