Miss Bound
Puffin Class
Welcome to Puffin Class!
Our day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm
PE is every Tuesday afternoon - please wear full PE kit to school.
Outdoor Learning is every Wednesday (bring wellies!)
Please make sure book bags are bought into school each day.
A water proof coat and a drinks bottle (with water only) are also essential.
A little bit about me
1. My favourite Film is....
Hercules or Mulan
2. My favourite Author/Book is....
Roald Dahl - George's Marvellous Medicine
3. My favourite Music Playlist is...
Harry Styles
4. When I’m not at work you will find me...
Baking, going to the beach and spending time with my family/friends
5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...
6. My favourite food is...
Thai and Mexican
7. Three words I would use to describe myself...
Kind, funny, considerate
Maths: Fractions
During our lesson 'Finding Similar Fractions', Puffin class were able to use fraction walls to support them with their understanding. The children used these concrete resources expertly and this was evident in the amazing work that they produced independently in their workbooks!
The children had a great science lesson this week. After spending time researching the different components of a simple circuit and creating their own in their workbooks, the children were then able to use the circuit resources to make their own. It was lovely to see all of the children work together as a team and problem solve when the circuit light bulb, or buzzer, wouldn't work on the first try.
Well done on a great science lesson, Puffins!
DT Project: 'Crowky'
Puffin Class have worked extremely hard this half-term on our class Design and Technology project 'Crowky.' Crowky is our scarecrow that we created based off of our class novel 'The Land of Roar', the children loved this story and through a democracy vote, they decided how they would like him to look and what his name should be. Each of the children had a chance to participate in making Crowky and everyone signed their name on his shirt which reads: No Prob Llama, based on the shirt that the Grandad wore (and Crowky stole!) in our novel.
In our classroom, we have a framed picture of the whole class and Crowky; the children asked for this, as they want to remember him when he heads to Quince Honey Farm over the half term.
Persuasive leaflets
On the 25th September, the children in Puffin Class began writing their independent persuasive leaflets, all about visiting the country of Iceland.
Every single person worked extremely hard on their leaflets and thought incredibly hard about their presentation and artwork.
We have all been so proud of the work the children have achieved, gold star work Puffins!
Bamboo, Tamboos!
On Wednesday the 13th September, Puffin Class had their first session exploring the 'Bamboo, Tamboos'.
The children loved making music with these and some children have even joined the weekly lunchtime music class to continue practising their skills!
Great job, Puffin Class!
Outdoor Adventure Time
Puffin Class had a great first session of Outdoor Adventure Time on Wednesday 6th September (thankfully we had the sun on our side!)
We were able to clear our whole vegetable planting bed and we look forward to being able to plant our own vegetables and watch them grow over the year. We found many different vegetables hidden in the bed from the previous class: garlic, onions and mini carrots; we even found a baby Newt who we put safely next to our pond area.
Keep your eyes peeled for our vegetables coming over the next year!